With the strong community support, having the potential of meeting with the future requirement of building an advanced web application, and ensuring the future is Laravel for backend development, every 25 of 30 PHP developers in my technology firm switched from various other PHP frameworks such as CodeIgniter, Yii, Zend, etc. to Laravel.

This mass switch piqued my interest in Laravel and made me curious about this framework for php development. I decided to dig further only to explore its potential and discover what is making developers switch to Laravel. As it is not just about 1 or 2 companies but the majority of IT companies are supporting it and suggesting clients build web apps using Laravel.
As it is simple to use, easy to learn, and time-saving, developers are eager to add Laravel to their resume and ensure their future spending their quarter time in learning and mastering Laravel.
Google Trends is a clear indicator of the web searches made about PHP frameworks in the last 12 months. Laravel is way ahead of Yii, Zend and CodeIgniter

Even if we look at geographical distribution, Laravel is the most searched about PHP frameworks around, except for a few instances of CodeIgniter and Symfony here and there.

Stack Overflow is a website which, without a doubt, is visited by developers regardless of the programming language they work on. Each post on Stack Overflow has one or more tags. Based on the tag of various PHP frameworks, Laravel, once again, clearly leads the picture.

While most of the frameworks are around for a long time, Laravel came out of nowhere in mid-2012 and is growing exponentially, having beaten all other PHP frameworks within a year. Laravel ends the year 2021 as a leader and stood way ahead of every other framework of popularity and usage.

All of the above frameworks are open source with their source code available for download from GitHub. If you remember, each project on GitHub carries certain number of stars, depending upon on its popularity on the repository.

So I decided to interview a few of PHP designers in my firm, acquaintances and partner firms to contemplate the switch. I realized there were a few areas where Laravel excel by a considerable margin over other the frameworks and rest of it was just the trend PHP developers caught into.
Here is what they said:
- This web application framework makes the Laravel development process quite easier. It takes very little time to complete the web project with the help of this software.
- This increases the number of online traffic in your website. Now the question is how? Well, this technology is applicable on any browser and device as well.
- It incorporates certain flexible features in your applications. It also includes the modular packaging systems. Thus, it will help simplify the website.
- You can also create different routes with the name of the same existing route. This is because Laravel can create unique URLs in regards to it.
- The PHP does not need special inclusion paths and maintenance. It is due to an auto loading facility contained in this software.
The top reasons of the switch to Laravel
Laravel framework makes custom laravel development easier. Laravel’s is the foundation of thousands of Business, Entertainment, Media, News, Shopping, Technology, Vehicles. The question what is reason behind sudden rise in Laravel popularity.
1. Authentication and Authorization Systems
Laravel takes an approachable stance to implementing authentication and authorization. Virtually everything that is required is configured out-of-the-box. Laravel also offers an easy way to establish authorization logic and give secure access to resources.

2. Mail Services
A neat, simple API over the popular SwiftMailer library, Laravel’s supports following drivers for following:
- Mailgun,
- Mandrill,
- SparkPost,
- Amazon SES,
- PHP’s “mail” function, and
- “sendmail”
This allows a web app developed with Laravel to immediately get started sending emails through a local or cloud-based service. Laravel, additionally, sends notifications across a number of delivery channels, including Slack and SMS via Nexmo.
3. ‘Cached’ Web applications
Unlike other PHP frameworks, Laravel has native support for cache backends: Memcached and Redis. In its default setting, Laravel use the file cache driver and stores cached items in the file system although in mission-critical applications, in-memory cache such as Memcached or APC are better suited. Fortunately, Laravel it can configure multiple cache configurations at the same time.
4. Technical Vulnerabilities safeguard
Web application developed with Laravel are better protected against conventional but serious risks such as SQL injection, cross-site request forgery, and cross-site scripting. Laravel is secure. An expert can tell you first hand that the source code is fanatically guarded, and that several people have vetted the code.
5. Error and Exception Handling
Without saying, error and exception handling is part of any new Laravel-based project. Moreover, Laravel has close integration Monolog logging library, which can be attached to powerful log handlers.
Read more: Our standard testing guidelines
6. Testing Work Automation
Laravel has excellent testing tools integrated. Support for testing with PHPUnit is a part so is to setup a phpunit.xml file for the application. The framework comes with appropriate helper procedures to let testing of web applications. It gives easy methods to simulate fundamental behavior of users (commanding the application and probing the output).
7. URL Routing Configuration
All Laravel routes are well-defined in the app/Http/routes.php file, which is continually loaded by the framework. The most fundamental Laravel routes basically accept a URI and a Closure and thus, offers a simple, expressive technique of declaring routes.
8. Isolation of “Business Logic Code” from “Presentation Code”
Laravel supports MVC framework, so isolation is there, already.

9. Message Queue System
The Laravel queue service offers an integrated API across an amalgamation of diverse queue backends. Queues make way for asynchronous web requests. Queues, also, let you to comply the handing out of a long task, such as relying an e-mail, till a later time, which considerably paces up web requests to your web app.
10. Scheduling Tasks Configuration and Management
Formerly, developers have filed a Cron entry for each task that needs scheduling. However, this is a source of annoyance. Such task schedule is inapplicable to source control now, and developers are required to SSH into the server to file the Cron entries. The Laravel, in-built, command scheduler permits for the smooth, communicative defining of command schedule in the Laravel environment itself, and a sole Cron entry is required on the server.
Final Notes
Laravel offers some astonishing features like quick extension ability, development speed, scalability, and rapid institution along with this it offers better programming results as compared to other programming tools and so it is extremely preferred by the developers.